2021年1月3日 星期日

How to prepare data structure and algorithm problems in software engineer interviews (link to LeetCode Discount- expired)

LeetCode Premium discount (15% off)

If you are preparing to interview for a software engineer/ data scientist position, chances are that you're brushing up your data structure and algorithm skills. One of the leading websites to practice data structures and algorithm problems is LeetCode. TL;DR version of this post: Use this link to get 15% off LeetCode Premium (the offer expired at 4/30/2022).

If you've read on, here's a short introduction of myself: I'm a software engineer with a non-traditional background, which in my case means that I majored in Chemistry and Environmental Science, but later attended a 3-month coding bootcamp in San Francisco. Since then I've successfully transitioned into a front-end web developer and currently work at one of the FAANG companies (abbreviation for Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix, and Google). 

As someone who never studied computer science in school, here's my take on what it takes to get a full-time software engineer position: coding bootcamps can quickly teach you how to code and build products you can put on your resume, and that will help you get noticed by recruiters and get you interviews. However, as any software engineer in the U.S. will tell you, the hardest part of successfully nailing the software engineer multi-stage interviewing process is passing the white-board questions. 

During the interview process, you'll be quizzed on at least 5-7 white board questions that consist of data structures and algorithm, and this is the part bootcamps do not teach you. To prepare for white-board questions, I've relied on books such as "Cracking the Coding Interview", Udemy courses such as Master the Coding Interview: Data Structures + Algorithms, and of course, LeetCode. 

2021年1月2日 星期六

直播專題: 如何整理內化資訊、並運用架構來評估工作及投資上的機會

大家新年快樂, 2021 年一開始,想要和大家分享我個人偶像 & role model 的直播訪問, 從認識 Scott 以來, 多次想要邀請他分享他的經驗及智慧, 2021 年終於有合適的機會可以實現!

Scott 有著亮麗的經歷, 台大電機系 / 電信所,加州理工學院電機 / 應用數學博士,畢業後在 Facebook 和 Instagram 工作八年,做過數據倉儲、搜索、用戶增長、AI 演算法。在發展很好、一切順遂的時候離開加入一家社交 app 公司擔任總裁,把公司做到六億美金售出。

Scott 的職業發展是我的學習努力的目標, 他的部落格在我 2012 年轉換領域學習程式的時候就開始持續追蹤。 這次直播想要和 Scott 探索他過往成功的職涯發展歷程, 深入對話他在職場各個階段對於不同機會的評估、選擇是如何實踐的。

Scott 的投資也很成功, 他之前部落格文章提到他勞動力賺的錢和投資的收入在好幾年前就已經黃金交叉, 相信大家都很好奇他是怎麼到達這樣的境界。他如何消化得到的資訊、並且對比世界趨勢及變化, 最後形成自我的投資模式, 相信我們可以從這次訪談中借鏡學習。

我們在以上的主要話題探討完後, 我們也會聊聊 Scott 近期回台灣, 接下像是創未來董事、台科大 AI 研究中心執行長 / 副教授、蘭馨亞洲私募基金投資總監等的新職位, 他將分享他的近期的角色及目標, 及他觀察的產業發展趨勢。

這次機會十分難得,Scott 願意百忙之中抽空和更多人分享他的經歷及思考架構,台灣時間 1/19 週二早上 11 點 - 12點, 美國加州時間 1/18 週一晚上 7 點 - 8 點, 歡迎大家參與,一起在直播前及直播中提問, 學習 Scott 的經驗及智慧! 

請大家於直播的活動中按參加, 到時候會在半路出家軟體工程師在矽谷的粉絲頁直播。 
