LeetCode Premium discount (15% off) |
If you are preparing to interview for a software engineer/ data scientist position, chances are that you're brushing up your data structure and algorithm skills. One of the leading websites to practice data structures and algorithm problems is LeetCode. TL;DR version of this post: Use this link to get 15% off LeetCode Premium (the offer expired at 4/30/2022).
If you've read on, here's a short introduction of myself: I'm a software engineer with a non-traditional background, which in my case means that I majored in Chemistry and Environmental Science, but later attended a 3-month coding bootcamp in San Francisco. Since then I've successfully transitioned into a front-end web developer and currently work at one of the FAANG companies (abbreviation for Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix, and Google).
As someone who never studied computer science in school, here's my take on what it takes to get a full-time software engineer position: coding bootcamps can quickly teach you how to code and build products you can put on your resume, and that will help you get noticed by recruiters and get you interviews. However, as any software engineer in the U.S. will tell you, the hardest part of successfully nailing the software engineer multi-stage interviewing process is passing the white-board questions.
During the interview process, you'll be quizzed on at least 5-7 white board questions that consist of data structures and algorithm, and this is the part bootcamps do not teach you. To prepare for white-board questions, I've relied on books such as "Cracking the Coding Interview", Udemy courses such as Master the Coding Interview: Data Structures + Algorithms, and of course, LeetCode.